
Luke 19:11-26

Hi all, I get the new understanding from the Lord today, please read carefully of the Luke 19:11-26. If you had read it carefully. I want to tell you something that God tell me earlier. I can take a conclusion about the sentence that there is some character in the parable that Lord Jesus try to discribe that master who will become a king to a distant country as the Almighty that will rule and power over people who newly believe to Him. The other character is, the people who given minas by his master as people who trust and believe in God. And the last, is the poeple who hated Him to take over city as a king.

We all know that He gives His every servants 10 minas (money) each other to gained the interest with it. The first servant has complete his job. He can return the 10 minas with the 10 more from his hand. So, the master welcome with a more blessing and responsibility to him. The first servant has take charge 10 cities.
The seccond servant do it so, but he only earned a 5 more, so the master gives him 5 cities to take charge over it.

In this parable, I understand that every fruit that resulted from effort will return as much as what that we did. You get 10 more, you has 10 more new responsibility. You get 5 more, you has 5 more new responsibility. So, you get what you do..!

In the other hand, try to look at the servant who cannot give the return to his master due to he earned nothing. This case, we can see that those servant did not do something to improve the money from his master. He try to give reason that not reasonable with saying "I was affraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did now sow". And the master command another servant to take his mina away from him and give to the one who has ten minas. So, that kind of servant lose his mine, and his mine has given away to other man who has belongings. This thing will happen to our live, if we not effort the minas that the Lord has given to us.

To Be Continue..


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